Tag Archives: Make-Up

Burnt Skin SFX

I’ve been working quite a bit on burns recently. With some colouring, you can create some quite convincing effects!

I also involved my brother and sister by getting them to help make a “costume”. This involved lots of dirt, fake blood, water, and releasing a lot of energy. It was great fun to watch.

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I have been incredibly spontaneous this last week. You ever have that wild side that just thinks, “fuck it?” Well yeah, I’ve been introduced to mine this week.

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A Taste of Elation!

Ten hours ago, I received an email saying that I had got through my audition! It has taken me this long to calm down. Basically, this is what I’ll be a part of:

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SFX Make-Up

SFX Make-Up. CD wound.

I love creating things like in the image above. It’s possibly grotesque, but it fascinates me! Continue reading