Summer Holidays

Hey guys! 🙂

Once again, I haven’t died, I have been extremely busy enjoying life and getting ready for my holiday though!

That’s right, this time, next week, I’ll have landed in Orlando. To say I am excited is an extreme understatement of epic proportions. I love Florida, not only for the amazing theme parks there, but also their beaches, the shopping and the amazing restaurants.

I love food, some would say I’m a bit of a foodie, I’m also crazy passionate about customer service and I make sure I go out of my way to ensure that whoever is providing a service for us also enjoys doing it. I have a lot of respect for people in this industry, it’s a difficult, often thankless job but it takes just one customer to be really awesome and it makes all the difference.

I wish I could go in to great detail about what I’ve been up to, but some things I’d like to keep to myself and savour them. I just want everyone to know, I’m enjoying life to the full as much as I can with literally no money. I’ve not made the most of this year but I want to put that right by making what time I have on this earth amazing.

Everybody has different circumstances, different life difficulties and we all cope with these in our own way. I’m not particularly religious, however, I will not take anyone’s faith away from them. I do not know if there is an afterlife or what awaits us after we die, however, I believe there is something, we’ve got to believe…

With that said, make the most of what you’ve got, there is always hope, even at the bottom of that pit, when you feel as though you’ve got nothing else to live for. Just enjoy life, you don’t know when it’ll be snatched from you.

When I get back from America, I’m going to be posting a lot of Trip Reports from my time in Florida. I hope to then maintain that section of the blog as frequently as I can. I love theme parks just so much.

I hope you’re all well, I hope to speak to y’all soon.

Best wishes,


About cheekysheepski

Hi, I'm Mikey, 21, living on the outskirts of London. I love theme parks, themed entertainment, theatre and everything that includes within it. I'm all about escapism, whether this is visiting theme parks, various scare attractions or actually acting in one myself. It's a weird but thrilling experience to play someone else for a while; it helps to cope with the reality of every day life. I'm a theatre technician student, studying at the Miskin Theatre, in Dartford. I love doing SFX make-up and everything to do with the show that's visual. One day I'd love to be part of creating exciting, immersive and enchanting attractions that will be entertaining audiences for decades to come. One day... View all posts by cheekysheepski

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