Dreams of Scaring

I’m really nervous about my audition tomorrow.

I had a dream about it, we had to do a role-play type thing and a movement exercise and had to scare the judges. There were three judges, one male, one female and the other one who was there but I couldn’t define.

At the end of the audition, the judges had to make decisions about whether or not they wanted us for their attraction. I heard my name called out; the female liked me, the male didn’t, the other one had no presence. I heard that they thought I was a bit much for their intended audience.

In the dream I actually went over to them, shook their hands, apologised but said I did unfortunately overhear them talking about me. I literally just fought for my position to be put through. I said that I know you thought I was a bit much but it was something that I can work on, I was going over the top to show what I was capable of and all that mumbo jumbo.

I then went home and got a text from Kirsty (the female judge) saying that I’d been successful. Even though it was a dream, the feeling of elation was real and I can feel it now if i think back to the dream.

The sorry fact is though, it wasn’t reality. I know I’m going to go into that audition tomorrow and I’m just not going to be able to perform to their standards. The research I’ve done proves to me that the quality of their attraction is top notch and they’ll want acting talent that matches that same standard.

I’m not a trained actor, I’ve not done any acting or had any acting experience. But I do love scaring people, I have a passion for the industry and entertaining people, it’s just what I love.

If I am successful, I will be over the moon. Honestly, I’ve been a failure in every sense of the word this year, to have this one insight into success, would be amazing and give me a real boost. People have no idea how much work I’m prepared to put into this if I have to. I just hope that the judges see a lot of potential in me tomorrow and take the risk to put me through.

If I’m honest though, I’m prepared for rejection. I’ll be hugely upset, of course, but all I can do tomorrow is my best.

Take care everyone.

Mikey x

About cheekysheepski

Hi, I'm Mikey, 21, living on the outskirts of London. I love theme parks, themed entertainment, theatre and everything that includes within it. I'm all about escapism, whether this is visiting theme parks, various scare attractions or actually acting in one myself. It's a weird but thrilling experience to play someone else for a while; it helps to cope with the reality of every day life. I'm a theatre technician student, studying at the Miskin Theatre, in Dartford. I love doing SFX make-up and everything to do with the show that's visual. One day I'd love to be part of creating exciting, immersive and enchanting attractions that will be entertaining audiences for decades to come. One day... View all posts by cheekysheepski

4 responses to “Dreams of Scaring

  • Harnew

    So what happen? I hope it was a success. Don’t let any of your previous failures discourage you. They’re to make you stronger

  • Harnew

    How you feel when listening to Adele is how I was feeling two days ago listening to Cold Play

  • Harnew

    I apologize. I meant to put that last comment on Deathly Hindsight.

  • cheekysheepski

    Haha! Hey. No problem.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment on my blog. That means a lot and I’m kind of shocked. Woo!

    I’ll find out whether I was successful on Monday, I hope. I just found out that I have another audition for the London Tombs on Monday as well. So it’s kinda cool to have some other options open.

    I’ve only recently discovered (or re-discovered) how much I love Coldplay, so yeah I can totally see where you’re coming from. I love music though, I’m not a music snob. I like most of it.

    I’m just about to go and take a nose around your blog. Thanks again for taking your time to post a comment, it means a lot. 🙂

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