Zombies and Auditions

Burn and Pencil Impalement.


I have an audition for a Halloween event on Thursday. I am absolutely pooping my pants. I’ve done quite a bit of research on the attraction and the quality is just absolutely amazing.

It’s called Broadwitch Hauntfest at Broadditch Farm. You can read a review for their event here:

Scare Tour

I honestly kind of feel that the quality of their past attractions is slightly above what I’m capable of, though needless to say I’m trying to come up with a strategy to impress at my audition.

I’ve applied for a couple of other places. Let’s see if we hear back from them! I have very low self- esteem about my abilities in the Scare Industry- it’s incredibly competitive and has a reputation for being very bitchy. The whole bitchyness isn’t really my scene and as such, sort of makes me feel uncomfortable… I think it should always be about the audience and their entertainment, not industry politics.

I’m going to be a Zombie extra in a film guys! 😀

A film currently in production- Guns, Gangsters and Zombies are asking for as many Zombie extras as possible. I’m attending one on the 16th July! It’s a night shoot from 7pm-5am. I’m really looking forward to it. I’m sure it’ll be an incredible experience and it’ll always be an interesting talking point I’m sure! 😛

SFX Burn Makeup

I love Zombies, they’re such fun to dress up as. I’ll have a go at doing it tomorrow and post a picture because I won’t have anything better to do! Haha!

I’m missing college right now, I’ve missed so much. Gotta get back on it or I’m going to be in big trouble.

Enough ramblings from me,

Enjoy your weekend everyone.

Best Wishes,


About cheekysheepski

Hi, I'm Mikey, 21, living on the outskirts of London. I love theme parks, themed entertainment, theatre and everything that includes within it. I'm all about escapism, whether this is visiting theme parks, various scare attractions or actually acting in one myself. It's a weird but thrilling experience to play someone else for a while; it helps to cope with the reality of every day life. I'm a theatre technician student, studying at the Miskin Theatre, in Dartford. I love doing SFX make-up and everything to do with the show that's visual. One day I'd love to be part of creating exciting, immersive and enchanting attractions that will be entertaining audiences for decades to come. One day... View all posts by cheekysheepski

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