Florida 2011: Animal Kingdom

My favourite Disney Park, stunningly beautiful and just the absolute definition of escapism and adventure. That is at least, in the park’s more “permanent looking” areas. This is definitely a park of two halves, one of which areas of the park have had the absolute heart and soul of design invested into it and the other in areas faced with destroying budget cuts and slapped together in a quick fix… a quick fix that has remained that way for 14 years!

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An awful racket; grinding and scraping… the hollowing. We look away in pure disgust, displaying our trophies in our ignorance, plodding eternally with sinister regret. We choose to look away, you don’t see us because you’re frightened to face the truth, to face the searing pain; surging, raging.

We envy you: you have such ease, such an approach to just existing. Our existence: a soul, hacked away with careless emotion. Abstract emotion. Your mundane activities are our weaknesses, they’re our envy. A constant war that just cannot be won. A war that only we can predict the outcome of, only we can decide when our war is over, consistently conflicted in a bleak, evil abyss.

What you don’t realise is, we join the masquerade anyway, losing ourselves in the depth of the mock, a foul stench of self hatred and the loathing of others. Absurd expressions, and plastic hearts; perhaps its difficult to tell if we are so different after all. We’re engulfed by a thrashing wrath of worthlessness and dark incantations; dead eyes awash in a cloudy silt.

Carefully depicting the idealistic, I remember … what’s lost, what will never be, the smells, the fragile memories, balancing on the edge- the crumbling cliff edge down to the dark abyss. Overwhelmed, we’re left with no choice, there will come a day when we shall jump; racing back for those memories. Claiming them back with vengeful conviction. Maybe then, our war will be over.

Tower of Terror & Hollywood Studios

When I came to writing my experience of Disney’s Hollywood Studios, I decided to take on a different approach. Instead of doing a commentary of the whole park, I’m going to focus on one of my favourite attractions: Tower of Terror.

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Thorpe Park Fright Nights- Experiment 10

Right so I’m going to post reviews without spoiler tags so if you don’t fancy being spoiled, read no further! 🙂

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Florida 2011- Epcot

No matter how much I re-write and analyse my thoughts when writing this review, I cannot really express what I want to say. I am truly out of my depth and at a complete crossroads in my own thoughts about the whole idea of a theme park. The truth is, Epcot is not a theme park, at least in the traditional sense. Sometimes this works in its favour, sometimes it leaves me in a complete contradiction to even my own thoughts.

With that said, Epcot is a great park, literally in two halves. My favourite is the World Showcase.

It would be so easy for me to sit here and review rides and attractions, but that is not what I feel is right for this park. As with every park, Epcot is home to some great experiences… and some not so great.

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Florida 2011- Magic Kingdom

After a rough night sleep of waking up every 20 minutes, it was time to get ready for the Magic Kingdom- one of my all time favourite theme parks.

Standing, waiting for the ferry, I am overwhelmed; the music, the thought of how lucky I am and the thought of the people back home who were going through a less than lovely time made me feel extremely emotional.

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Until We Meet Again, Nan.

My nan passed away whilst I was on holiday.

I really did love her to bits. She was the most wonderful person. She’d do anything for anyone and nothing was too much trouble. Cancer took her. I’ve heard the stories from people in my family and I do not wish to dwell on such a disturbing death. I just hope that the image doesn’t haunt the ones who were with her when she died.

Anything I write on here will not do my nan justice, nor will it express how I feel about the situation. I feel guilt, for being on holiday and also, I just really miss her and I really feel for my grandad; who will no doubt die of a broken heart.

The funeral is tomorrow. I wrote a poem for my nan which I feel very honoured to read out during the service. I’m just a little bit terrified though!

This is what I wrote- in the hope that people will take what they want from it.

A thousand frozen moments; gleaming:

Our glistening, falling tears are telling

A Story never told

A Time that won’t unfold

Until one day, when we meet again.

We never know what we have

Until it’s snatched from our hands.

Empty. Angry. Lost.

Please tell us how we’ll adjust

Until one day, we’ll meet again.

Please tell me why it seems…

Why such beautiful personalities

Suffer the most;

When such evil mock and boast.

Please, tell me we’ll meet again.

I hope you’re here to witness this;

Looking down and realise this:

There’s such love here to give to you…

Stolen kisses, rising up to you.

We will reflect upon times gone by,

A bitter sting of sweet musical cries,

Piercing through our fragile minds;

Though comfort appears from the shadows, shy.

I’ll make this clear, this is not goodbye;

This is temporary, and you’ll know why.

Even though we can’t accept, the ones we love will die,

We hold on to hope that one day we shall fly.

Until then and only then,

Comes a day when we’ll meet again.

Florida 2011- Introduction

Afternoon everyone!

I got back from Florida last week, after literally the holiday of a lifetime. I’m feeling it now- I came crashing back down to reality so hard due to various reasons and circumstances at home and I’m finding it really hard.

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Reality Check

Wow, what a holiday. Fantastic.

Came crashing back down just a little bit hard. Nan passed away. I really miss her. Funeral tomorrow. I have written a poem and I’m going to read it out at the funeral service tomorrow, which I’m honoured to do, but obviously a little nervous- it’s in front of 100 people.

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Your Dark Side

So, tell me about your dark side. Everyone has one. I have mine, it’s delicious, it’s twisted and forbidden. Continue reading